Webcast view for attendes in Webinar

Before you begin

Compare experiences in Webex Webinars to decide which attendee experience is best for your webinar.


Sign in to User Hub, click the Meetings tab, then click the Schedule drop-down menu and select Schedule a webinar.


Enter the webinar information such as Topic, Webinar password, and Date and time.


(Optional) Select whether you want a webinars in webcast view.

If you have more than 10,000 attendees, Webcast view for attendeees is automatically selected.

Webinars in webcast view aren't available for Webex for Government.


To help keep the webinar running smoothly, invite panelists to serve as subject matter experts.


Click Show advanced options to customize audio options, require registration, hold a practice session, and more.


Click Schedule.

What to do next

Once you've scheduled your webinar and invited panelists, you can add attendees, either individually or by importing multiple attendees from one or more CSV files. For more information, see Add attendees in Webex Webinars.


Sign in User Hub, then click Webinars.


Locate your webinar, and select Start.

If you're hosting a webinar in webcast view, when you're ready to begin broadcasting, click Start webcast, choose the streaming layout, and then click Go Live.

When you're invited to a webinar, the host will send you an email invitation. You can register and join a webinar from the invitation.


Open the email invitation the host sent to you.


Do one of the following:

  • If registration is required, click Register, enter your name and email address, and open the confirmation email once your registration has been approved.
  • If registration is not required, select Join webinar, enter your name and email address, and click Join webinar.

When you join a webinar in webcast view, it opens in your browser and begins once the host starts streaming the webcast.

What you can do in a webinar varies depending on the role you were assigned. Hosts and cohosts can assign roles to participants to create an interactive and engaging experience. Hosts can also assign different chat privileges to attendees and panelists. For more information on the specific permissions and responsibilities of each role, see Roles in Webex Webinars.


Hosts schedule and manage the webinar. They are able to assign roles to participants, as well as many of the same permissions as the other roles.


Cohosts have many of the same permissions as the host. This allows them to help the host manage a webinar or start them if the host is running late.


Panelists are the subject-matter experts speaking at your webinar. They can answer questions, chat publicly and privately, and more to moderate the webinar.


Presenters are the subject-matter experts speaking at your webinar who can share content with all participants.

Note Taker

Note Takers write and publish notes, which can be referred to in the future or provide a summary for people who were unable to attend the webinar.


Attendees are the participants attending the webinar.

You can connect your audio so your attendees can hear you. Learn how to adjust your audio settings and mute and unmute yourself during a webinar.

Click the audio connection options in the Preview window.


Choose how you want to hear the audio:

Connect to audio in Webex Webinar
  • Use computer audio—Use your computer with a headset or speakers. This is the default audio connection type.

    You can change your headset, speakers, and microphone.

  • Call me at—Enter or select the phone number that you want the webinar to call.

  • Call in—Dial in from your phone when the webinar starts. A list of global call-in numbers is available after you join the webinar.

  • Don't connect to audio—You won't hear any audio in the webinar through your computer or phone. Use this option if you're in the webinar but want to use your computer to share content.

Available audio options may vary depending on your site and account. If you have questions, contact your site administrator.
For webinars in webcast view, the host, cohost(s), and panelists use Webex audio. The attendees can only use VoIP.

If you want to join the webinar with your audio muted, click MuteMute.

You'll see UnmuteUnmute when your microphone is muted. Click UnmuteUnmute when you want to speak in the webinar. You can also press your spacebar to temporarily unmute during your webinar.

If you're joining a webinar as an attendee, you’ll automatically join the webinar with your audio muted. Only the host or cohost can unmute you. Webinar in webcast view attendees can't connect to audio.

Connect to video so attendees can see you during a webinar.

Attendees can't connect to video before or during a webinar.


If you want to join the webinar with your video turned off, click Stop video Stop video

You'll see Start video Start video when your video is turned off.


Click Start video Start video when you want to show your video.

By default, your self-view video shows in mirror view. You can turn off mirror view if you want to see yourself in your self-view video the same way that other participants see you.


Click Join webinar.

Share content from your device to keep webinar participants informed and engaged. You can share your entire screen with others, or choose which files and applications you want to share so you can keep everything else private.

Attendees can't share content from their devices to other webinar participants.

Select Share Share in the webinar controls and choose what you are sharing to your participants.

Share Content

For more information on how to share your screen, an application, a file, or a whiteboard, see Share content in meetings and events.

Your webinars are important. If your whole team can't be there, or if you want to make recorded webinars available, record your webinar to share later. The recording includes the audio, video, and presentations.

When you schedule a webinar, you can enable automatic recording to begin when it starts. Your site administrator may have also enabled automatic recording for your site.

Automatic transcription of the audio is turned on by default. You can turn it back on if you turned it off, or you can turn it on only for specific users.

While in your webinar, select RecordRecord, and click Record.

You and your attendees see the recording indicator Recording indicator in the Webex Webinars app window.

When the webinar ends, you receive an email with the recording link. Your recording typically arrives within 24 hours after the webinar has ended, but this varies depending on recording size, site bandwidth, and other factors.

You can download a report on Q&A, chat, and polling activity for recorded webinars or share recordings with others.