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הקצה מספר טלפון למשתמש ולסביבת עבודה
באפשרותך להקצות מספרים, שלוחות או את שניהם למכשירים של אנשים בכל עת. שלוחות שהוקצו מופיעות בצגי הטלפון. באפשרותך גם להגדיר מספרים משניים/חלופיים כך שמספרי טלפון מרובים יצלצלו באותו טלפון. באפשרותך לציין צלילי חיוג שונים עבור כל מספר כדי להבדיל בין הקווים שמתקשרים אליהם.
Assign phone number to a user
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From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to . |
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Choose a user you want to assign a number to and click Calling. |
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In the Numbers section, under Directory numbers, click to add a secondary number. |
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Choose a phone number from the drop-down. יש לך גם אפשרות להקצות שלוחה. If a number is already assigned to the user, any additional number added to the user is added as a secondary number. You can add 1 primary number and up to 10 secondary numbers to a user. |
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(Optional) Toggle on Distinctive Ring Pattern and choose a ring pattern for this number. The distinctive ring pattern helps to identify calls coming from specific phone numbers.
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לחץ על שמור. Directory numbers are displayed as a complete list within the numbers section. Clicking a number allows you to view and modify the specifics of that number and delete.
The number will no longer transfer to this user.
Assign phone number to a workspace
לפני שתתחיל
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From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to . |
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Choose a workspace and click the Calling. |
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In the Numbers section, under Directory numbers, click to add a secondary number. A primary number is assigned when creating the workspaces. |
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Click Add numbers to add the secondary numbers. |
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Choose the phone number, extension, or both. For a secondary number, a phone number is mandatory and the extension is optional. If you're a location administrator, only the phone number and extension pertaining to your assigned locations appear. |
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(Optional) Toggle on Distinctive ring pattern and choose a ring pattern from the drop-down. The distinctive ring pattern helps to identify calls coming from specific phone numbers.
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לחץ על שמור. |