schedule a webinar

Antallet af personer, du kan invitere til et webinar , afhænger af den købte licens. Webinarer kan inkludere op til 10,000 personer. Schedule a webinar in webcast view for more than 10,000 attendees.

Webinarer i webcast-visning er ikke tilgængelige for Webex til forvaltninger.

After you schedule a webinar, you get a confirmation email, and an email to forward to attendees.


Sign in to User Hub, click the Meetings tab, then click the Schedule drop-down menu and select Schedule a webinar.


(Optional) If you have any saved webinar templates, select one from the Webinar templates drop-down menu.


Tilføj det grundlæggende ved at angive følgende oplysninger:

  • Topic—Choose a topic that people recognize and get excited about.
  • Date and time—Indicate when the webinartakes place. Hvis du inviterer personer fra forskellige tidszoner, skal du klikke på Tidszoneplanlæggeren, så du kan finde et tidspunkt, der fungerer bedst for alle.
  • Maximum attendees—Choose the maximum number of attendees and whether you want a webinar in webcast view. See Compare experiences in Webex Webinars for more information.
  • Panelists—Enter the email addresses of the people you’re inviting to help you run your webinar. Du kan have op til 500 paneldeltagere i din webinar. Hvis de har en konto på dette websted, kan du vælge ved siden af deres navn, hvis du ønsker, at de skal være en cohost.
  • Webinar agenda—Add any context or details that you want your attendees to have about the upcoming webinar.

I afsnittet Sikkerhed skal du tilføje følgende oplysninger:

  • Webinar password—Use the provided password or enter your own. Mødedeltagere skal indtaste denne adgangskode for at deltage i din webinar.
  • Panelist password—Use the provided password or enter your own. Paneldeltagere skal indtaste denne adgangskode for at være en del af dit webinarpanel . If panelists don't enter this password when they join your webinar, they join as an attendee.

    If a panelist has an account on the same site where the webinar is hosted, they just have to sign in. If they don't have an account on the same site, a prompt appears to enter this panelist password.

    Check out Roles in Webex Webinars for information about the differences between the various roles.

  • Join before host—Allow panelists and attendees to join your webinar and panelists to connect their audio before the webinar starts.
  • Require account—If you want attendees to have a Webex account on this site to join the webinar, check this check box.

    Check Restrict webinar to invited attendees only if you want to restrict the webinar to invited attendees only. This turns off webinar registration options.


I afsnittet Valgmuligheder for lydtilslutning skal du tilføje følgende oplysninger:

  • Type af lydtilslutning
    • Webex-lyd – Vælg at understøtte valgmuligheder for opkald, tilbagekald og computerlyd. Derefter kan du inkludere gratis og globale opkaldsnumre og indstille ind- og udgangstoner, som kan høres, når nogen deltager i eller forlader webinaren.
      When using Webex Audio with the Announce Name feature, panelists who select the Use computer for audio option can't record and announce their names
    • Brug VoIP – Begrænser alle paneldeltagere til at bruge computerlyd.
    • Anden telekonferencetjeneste – giver dig mulighed for at indtaste tredjeparts-telekonferenceoplysninger.
    • Ingen – Ingen lyd.
  • Slå paneldeltagers lyd fra
    • Allow the host and cohosts to unmute participants (moderated unmute mode)—Hosts and cohosts can unmute participants and SIP-based video devices directly without sending an unmute request.
    • Allow panelists to unmute themselves in the webinar—If you choose to mute panelists when they join, select this option to allow them to unmute themselves during the webinar.
      • Vælg ikke denne valgmulighed, hvis du kun ønsker, at værten eller cohost kan slå lyden til paneldeltagerne.
    • Always mute panelists when they join the webinar—automatically mutes panelists when they join the webinar.

Klik på Avancerede valgmuligheder for at tilføje et øvesession, aktivere undersessioner, tilføje denne webinar til en eksisterende serie eller en ny serie, du opretter, aktivere samtidig tolkning, kræve tilmelding, sende e-mailpåmindelser med mere.


Click Schedule to schedule your webinar.

When you schedule a webinar, attendees automatically receive email reminders using the default template. If you prefer to customize your email template and send reminders later, uncheck Automatically send email invitations to all participants after clicking Schedule, then follow the instructions in Customize email templates in Webex Webinars.

After you schedule the webinar, you can select it from your calendar and do one of the following:

After you schedule the webinar, you can click to download an .ics file, or add the webinar to your Google or Microsoft Office 365 Calendar.


You receive an email to forward to attendees to invite them to the webinar.

After you schedule your webinar, click Save as template to save these options as a template for future use.