Schemalägg Webex webbseminarier
As a host or cohost, you can schedule webinars. Webinars are interactive and highly engaging; if your event calls for a simpler attendee experience, webinars in webcast view are the way to go. Scheduled these quickly with the basics, or take a bit more time to customize them using advanced options to tailor webinars to your needs.
Antalet personer som du kan bjuda in till ett webbsinar beror på vilken licens som har köpts. Webinars can include up to 10,000 people. Schedule a webinar in webcast view for more than 10,000 attendees.
Webbsnakar i webbsändningsvyn är inte tillgängliga för Webex för myndigheter.
After you schedule a webinar, you get a confirmation email, and an email to forward to attendees.
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Sign in to User Hub, click the Meetings tab, then click the Schedule drop-down menu and select Schedule a webinar. |
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(Optional) If you have any saved webinar templates, select one from the Webinar templates drop-down menu. |
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Lägg till grunderna genom att ange följande information:
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I avsnittet Säkerhet lägger du till följande information:
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I avsnittet Ljudanslutningsalternativ lägger du till följande information:
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Klicka på Avancerade alternativ för att lägga till ett övningssession, aktivera breakoutmöten, lägga till detta webbsingar till en befintlig serie eller en ny serie som du skapar, aktivera samtidiga tolkningenar, kräva registrering, skicka e-postpåminnelser med mera. |
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Click Schedule to schedule your webinar. When you schedule a webinar, attendees automatically receive email reminders using the default template. If you prefer to customize your email template and send reminders later, uncheck Automatically send email invitations to all participants after clicking Schedule, then follow the instructions in Customize email templates in Webex Webinars. After you schedule the webinar, you can select it from your calendar and do one of the following:
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After you schedule the webinar, you can click to download an .ics file, or add the webinar to your Google or Microsoft Office 365 Calendar. |
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You receive an email to forward to attendees to invite them to the webinar. |