U kunt specifieke telefoons (hosts) aanwijzen waar gebruikers (gasten) zich tijdelijk bij kunnen aanmelden en als hun eigen telefoon kunnen gebruiken.

Workspace phones and user phones can be enabled as a hoteling host phone.
If a user is set up with shared lines, speed dials, and/or monitoring keys like BLF and call park, these don’t appear on a host phone when the user is signed in as a guest. Host phones can have shared lines configured, which are then available to all hoteling users.
For workspaces with multiple devices, the hoteling is supported only on the workspace’s primary device.

Allow a workspace device to be used as a hoteling host


From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to Management and select Workspaces.


Select a workspace to modify.


Under Devices, select the device.


Under Hoteling, select the toggle to enable.


Kies het aantal uren dat het apparaat kan worden gebruikt door gasten te bezoeken in de drop down.


Once configured, choose Reboot from the Actions drop-down list. Hiermee wordt de configuratie voor softwaretoetsen toegepast nadat de telefoon opnieuw is opgestart.

You can perform the same configuration by navigation to Management > Devices where you get the list of both workspace and user devices.

Allow a user device to be used as hoteling host

Voordat u begint

User's primary device with professional license can only be configured as hoteling host.

From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to Management and select Users.


Select a user and click the Devices tab.


Under Devices, select the device.


Under Hoteling, select the toggle to enable.


Kies het aantal uren dat het apparaat kan worden gebruikt door gasten te bezoeken in de drop down.


Once configured, choose Reboot from the Actions drop-down list. Hiermee wordt de configuratie voor softwaretoetsen toegepast nadat de telefoon opnieuw is opgestart.

Hoteling in turnen voor een gebruiker

Als u hoteling inschakelt voor gebruikers, hebben ze de flexibiliteit om in een andere ruimte te werken terwijl ze de functionaliteit en functies van hun hoofdbureautelefoon behouden.

From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to Management and select Users.


Selecteer een gebruiker en klik op het tabblad Gesprekken.


Go to the Between-user Permissions section, and select Hoteling and turn on the toggle.


Enter the name or number of the hoteling host in the Hoteling Location search field and choose the hoteling host that you want to assign to the user.

Only one hoteling host can be selected. If you choose another hoteling host, the first one gets deleted.

If you're a location administrator, you can assign only the hoteling host pertaining to your assigned locations.

To limit the time a user can be associated to the hoteling host, choose the number of hours that the user can use the hoteling host from the Limit Association Period drop-down.

The user will be logged out automatically after the chosen time.

An error message is displayed in the screen if the limit association period specified for the user exceeds the limit association period of the chosen hoteling host. For example, if the hoteling host has a limit association period of 12 hours and the user's limit association period is 24 hours, an error message is displayed. In such cases, you need to extend the limit association period of the hoteling host if more time is needed for the user.


Klik op Opslaan.

A user can also search, and locate the hoteling host they want to use from the User Hub. For more information, see Access your calling profile from anywhere.

Want to see how it's done? Watch this video demonstration on how to configure hoteling in the Control Hub.