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Adăugați dispozitivul gestionat de partener
Administratorii Enterprise pot adăuga și consuma dispozitive terțe din Control Hub. Puteți lansa această opțiune și puteți selecta parteneri de soluții pentru configurarea dispozitivelor Webex Calling.
Get started with partner-managed device
You must provision the devices manually and own the SIP Authentication credential. You’re responsible for any fraud created due to failure to secure these credentials.
Următoarele specificații se aplică atunci când adăugați dispozitive SIP terțe:
Assign partner-managed devices to a user. Also, you can assign each device to multiple users.
All third-party devices must support the Webex Calling Security requirements. See Security requirements for Webex Calling.
Există cerințe minime de firmware în vigoare. Check the third-party documentation for details.
To manage the partner device, request special access to the Device Management integration from your accounts teams.
Add partner-managed device to user
1 |
Sign in to Control Hub, and go to . You can also add a device to the user from the Users section by navigating to > select a user > . |
2 |
Choose Personal usage to assign a device to a user and then click Next. |
3 |
Enter either the username or the actual name of the phone's owner, choose the user from the results, and then click Next. |
4 |
Choose Cisco phone, ATA, or 3rd party device. |
5 |
Choose Partner Managed Devices from the Select device drop-down menu. |
6 |
Choose the device type from the Device type drop-down menu. |
7 |
Enter the following details related to the device:
Currently, you can add approved SIP devices and can’t add a non-approved device. |
8 |
Citiți exonerarea de răspundere și faceți clic pe caseta de confirmare. Apoi, faceți clic pe Salvați. You can now view the device under the device list. You can add and manage partner devices in bulk using APIs. For details, see Devices Overview and Webex Calling Overview. |
Add partner-managed device to new workspace
Înainte de a începe
- You can add up to 5 partner-managed devices to a workspace with professional workspace license.You can add multiple devices to a professional workspace only from the new workspace page. You need to toggle on Try new Workspaces from the upper right corner of the workspace page to use the new workspace page.
- You can add only one device to a workspace with common area workspace license.
1 |
Sign in to Control Hub, and go to . You can also add a device to the new workspace from the Workspaces section by navigating to . |
2 |
Choose . |
3 |
Enter a name for the workspace (such as the name of the physical room), select the room type and add capacity, and then click Next. Un nume de spațiu de lucru nu poate fi mai mare de 30 de caractere și nu poate avea caractere %, #, <,>, ,, \, și ".</,> |
4 |
Choose Cisco phone, ATA, or 3rd party device. |
5 |
Choose Partner Managed Devices from the Select device drop-down menu. |
6 |
Choose a device type from the Device type drop-down menu. |
7 |
Enter the following details related to the device:
Currently, you can add approved SIP devices and can’t add a non-approved device. |
8 |
Citiți exonerarea de răspundere și faceți clic pe caseta de confirmare. Apoi, faceți clic pe Următorul. |
9 |
Click the Calling service, and choose the subscription and license type that you want to assign to the workspace.
To find out more about the features that are available with the licenses, see Features available by license type for Webex Calling. |
10 |
Atribuiți o locație și un număr de telefon (determinate de locația pe care o alegeți), apoi faceți clic pe Salvare. De asemenea, aveți opțiunea de a atribui o extensie. If you want to add additional devices to a professional workspace, you can do it in any one of the following ways:
Reset the SIP password for partner-managed device
1 |
Sign in to Control Hub, and go to . |
2 |
Select a partner-managed device/gateway. |
3 |
Under Details, click Update Password. |
4 |
Click Update to confirm your password. Your newly generated password displays in the field. |
Administratorul acestui dispozitiv este responsabil cu menținerea acestor date de autentificare. This is the last time that you can view the password in full. Copy and keep this information for your records and future use.