
You can provision Webex Suite subscriptions in Control Hub. You'll get a welcome email that includes a link to set up your services. If you didn't get that email, contact the salesperson you worked with to place the order. New subscriptions have two parts to complete: organization finder and service setup.

For more details on the provisioning wizard, see this guide.

Organization finder

You'll start by choosing if the order is intended for your customer or for your own organization. We recommend partners to provision services on behalf of the customer so that the partner can support the customer even after the setup is complete.

After choosing one of those options, an organization is recommended for the order based on certain parameters, such as:

  • Domains in organizations that associates with your email address.
  • Most recent activity across users in an organization.
  • A global domain-based search so you can choose from a list of organizations.

If you don't have an organization yet, then you'll be able to create a new one. Once the organization is all set up, you can review your subscription, and then move on to set up the services.

Service setup

After connecting the subscription to an organization, you can start setting up the services. A summary is shown at the beginning so you can see the changes to any licenses. You can also see trials that can be converted, and add-ons for any services.

The service setup was recently updated, but you can revert the changes to set up in the original way by switching the Preview the new look toggle to off.

Map a subscription to an organization

The first step in the provisioning process is to map a subscription to an organization.

Open the email you received titled Provisioning information required for order..., and click Set Up Your Service.


Select Next.


Choose one of the following options:

  • If you're going to set up the service for a customer, choose This order is for a customer and select Next. When you click Next, the system checks your email address (referred to as the provisioning contact email, since you're provisioning the account) against existing Webex organizations to see if an organization already exists.
  • If you're going to set up the service for yourself, choose This order is for my company and select Next. When you click Next, the system checks your email address (referred to as the provisioning contact email, since you're provisioning the account) against existing Webex organizations to see if an organization already exists.
  • If you're not going to set up the service, choose I want someone else to complete this order, enter the email address of the person who'll complete the order, and then select Next.

You'll see one of the results described below. The bold part is the first sentence of the messages you received. The rest is a description of what the message indicates.

  • Based on your email address, we matched your order with your organization. This means the provisioning contact email matches an existing Webex organization. If this is the case, review the organization information and click Next.

  • We found matching organizations based on your email address. This means the provisioning contact email doesn't match any accounts, but the associated domain already belongs to a Webex organization. If this is the case, review the organizations carefully, and use the image below to identify if this is the right organization to choose.

    Some information that can be useful in choosing the right organization include verified or claimed domains, number of active users, and last user activity. For example, if some of the organizations have no verified domains and have had no user activity in the last year, it's likely not the right organization.

    Once you've selected the correct organization, click Next.

  • No matching organization found. This means the provisioning contact email doesn't match an existing Webex organization. You can choose to create a new organization. Select Create a new organization, enter a company name, business vertical, country or region, and then select Next. Verify that the information is correct, and then click Next to set up the services.


Review the details of these organizations. For partners, the label Provisioning administrator appears when you're provisioning the subscription for an existing customer. If you require full administrator privileges, first complete the service setup, then ask for full admin privileges from the customer admin. If everything looks right, click Next.


Click Next to start the services setup.

If you're a partner, you have the option to let the customer complete the services setup themselves by checking the My customer will set up their own services check box. This will send an email to the customer admin to continue with the service setup. Partners that select this option won't lose access to the customer's organization.

Provision your new Webex Meetings subscription

After mapping the subscription to an organization, you can start setting up the services.

If you choose to set up later, you can sign in to Control Hub to start the service setup process again.

Review your subscription and click Setup now.


If you choose Set up later, then your subscription won't be provisioned.


In the Meeting setup tab, choose a Webex URL name, time zone, and if you want the site to be on an early release schedule.

A site on an early release schedule receives access to features before the normal deployment cycle.
Provisioning a Webex Meetings URL

To add more Webex sites, check the I need additional URLs check box.


Click Next once you've finished setting up the Webex URLs.


If you have multiple Webex URLs, distribute the licenses across the necessary sites, and select Next.


Review the information and then click Close. If you want to download a copy of the order summary as a PDF for your records, click Download order summary (PDF).

Provision your new Webex Calling subscription

When provisioning a Webex Calling subscription, all you have to do is enter in the location of your main headquarters. You can change the location or add more locations after provisioning in Control Hub.


Review your subscription and click Setup now.


If you choose Set up later, then your order won't be provisioned.


Enter the location name and select a country or region where most of the users are located, fill out the additional fields, and then click Next.


Review the information and then click Close. If you want to download a copy of the order summary as a PDF for your records, click Download order summary (PDF).