This feature is only available on the Webex Suite meeting platform. To check if you're on this platform and to read about key changes, and forthcoming features, see more about the Webex Suite meeting platform.

If you can't see the AI Assistant meetings summary feature, contact your organization administrator.

If the meeting options are set to the default—Only the host and cohosts can start and stop the summary, participants will need to request that the host or cohosts start the summary to use the feature.

AI Assistant summaries


First, join your meeting.


Go to the meeting controls, and click AI Assistant . You see a pop-up notification window, telling you to ask the meeting host or cohosts to start the meeting summary.

The default meeting option is set to Only the host and cohosts can start and stop the summary.

If the meeting host or cohosts select Anyone can start and stop the summary in the meeting options, click Start summary in the pop-up window.

When the meeting summary starts, you receive an audio and visual notification that AI Assistant is active.


Click AI Assistant in the meeting controls, to hide, or unhide, the AI Assistant panel.

In the panel, choose from:

  • Catch me up—summary of the last 15 minutes of the meeting.

    • Summarize more—select from the last 15 minutes, or from the start of the meeting.

  • Was my name mentioned—summary of any time someone mentioned your name in the meeting.

  • What are the action items—summary of action items mentioned in the meeting.

  • Ask me anything about this meeting—ask AI Assistant questions about the current meeting.

    Any questions you ask and answers you receive are only visible to you, and aren't saved after the meeting.


The meeting host or cohosts can click Stop summary in the AI Assistant panel, or click AI Assistant in the meeting controls and then click stop summary, to end the meeting summary for everyone.

If the meeting host or cohosts select Anyone can start and stop the summary in the meeting options, you can click Stop summary in the AI Assistant panel, to end the meeting summary.

If you start, stop, and restart the meeting summary during a meeting, AI Assistant will not save the segment of the meeting that occurred while the summary was stopped, in the post-meeting summary or transcript.

AI Assistant settings

Meeting hosts and cohosts can adjust AI Assistant meeting options, to decide who can start or stop meeting summaries, and also decide if summaries and transcripts are saved after the meeting.


In the meeting, go to the AI Assistant panel, and click AI Assistant settings .

In the Meeting options window, under AI Assistant, select from:

  • Start and stop summary—choose who can start and stop meeting summaries, select an option from the drop-down list.

    • Only the host and cohosts can start and stop the summary—default option.

    • Anyone can start and stop the summary

  • Content availability after the meeting—choose to save summaries and transcripts after the meeting. Виберіть параметр із розкривного списку.

    • Save summary and transcript—default option.

    • Save summary only

    • Don't save summary and transcript


When you've made your selection, click Apply.

Meeting summaries and transcripts are saved to the meeting host's account in Webex App. If your meeting is associated with a space, the summary and transcript link automatically appears in the space where the meeting took place.

If you can't save content after the meeting, contact your administrator, as they may have disallowed this option.

Request AI Assistant meeting summaries

AI Assistant meeting summaries are off by default. Go to the meeting controls and click AI Assistant .

If you can't access the feature, the host may have made permission changes in the meeting options. You receive a notification that only the host or cohost can enable AI Assistant.

Participants can then ask the host or cohost to enable the meeting summary. When AI Assistant is enabled, you receive a notification that the meeting summary has started.

Intelligent notifications

When the meeting summary is active, AI Assistant sends notifications asking if you want a summary, when you're late, answer a call, or you return from Stepping away during a meeting.

Meeting attendees

  • If you join a meeting late, 12 minutes after the start time, AI Assistant sends a notification asking if you want a summary of the meeting so far.

  • When you return to a meeting, after setting your status to Stepped away for at least one minute, AI Assistant asks if you want a summary of what you missed.

  • If you answer a call during a meeting, missing more than one minute of the meeting, AI Assistant asks if you want a summary of what you missed.

AI Assistant summaries


First, join your meeting.


Go to the meeting controls, and tap AI Assistant . You see a pop-up notification window, telling you to ask the meeting host or cohosts to start the meeting summary.

The default meeting option is set to Only the host and cohosts can start and stop the summary.

If the meeting host or cohosts select Anyone can start and stop the summary in the meeting options, click Start summary in the pop-up window.

When the meeting summary starts, you receive an audio and visual notification that AI Assistant is active.


Tap AI Assistant in the meeting controls, to open the AI Assistant panel.

In the panel, choose from:

  • Catch me up—summary of the last 15 minutes of the meeting.

    • Summarize more—select from the last 15 minutes, or from the start of the meeting.

  • Was my name mentioned?—summary of any time someone mentioned your name in the meeting.

  • What are the action items?—summary of action items mentioned in the meeting.

  • Ask me anything about this meeting—ask AI Assistant questions about the current meeting.

    Any questions you ask and answers you receive are only visible to you, and aren't saved after the meeting.

Tap Clear filter, or swipe down, to close the AI Assistant panel.


The meeting host or cohosts can tap AI Assistant , and then tap Stop summary, to end the meeting summary for everyone.

If the meeting host or cohosts select Anyone can start and stop the summary in the meeting options, you can tap AI Assistant , and then tap Stop summary to end the meeting summary.

If you start, stop, and restart the meeting summary during a meeting AI Assistant won't save the segment of the meeting that occurred while the summary was stopped, in the post meeting summary or transcript.

AI Assistant settings

Meeting hosts and cohosts can adjust AI Assistant meeting options, to decide who can start or stop meeting summaries, and also decide if summaries and transcripts are saved after the meeting.


In the meeting, tap AI Assistant and then tap Settings .

In the Meeting options window, under AI Assistant, select from:

  • Start and stop summary—choose who can start and stop meeting summaries, select an option from the list.

    • Anyone can start and stop the summary

    • Only the host and cohosts can start and stop the summary—default option.

  • Content availability after the meeting—choose to save summaries and transcripts after the meeting. Select an option from the list.

    • Save summary and transcript—default option.

    • Save summary only

    • Don't save summary and transcript


When you've made your selection, tap Apply.

Meeting summaries and transcripts are saved to the meeting host's account in Webex App. If your meeting is associated with a space, the summary and transcript link automatically appears in the space where the meeting took place.

If you can't save content after the meeting, contact your administrator, as they may have disallowed this option.

Request AI Assistant meeting summaries

AI Assistant meeting summaries are off by default. Go to the meeting controls and tap AI Assistant .

If you can't access the feature, the meeting host may have made permission changes in the meeting options. You receive a notification that only the host or cohost can enable AI Assistant.

Participants can then ask the meeting host or cohost to enable the meeting summary. When AI Assistant is enabled, you receive a notification that the meeting summary has started.

Intelligent notifications

When the meeting summary is active, AI Assistant sends notifications asking if you want a summary, when you're late, or answer another call.

Meeting attendees

  • If you join a meeting late, 12 minutes after the start time, AI Assistant sends a notification asking if you want a summary of the meeting so far.

  • If you answer a call during a meeting, missing more than one minute of the meeting, AI Assistant asks if you want a summary of what you missed.

AI Assistant meeting summary limitations

  • AI Assistant meeting summaries are currently supported in English only.

  • When AI Assistant is available, Webex Assistant for meetings, which provides highlights and voice commands, becomes unavailable.

  • Currently, Ask me anything about the meeting relates to questions about the meeting context only.

  • A new summary will only be prompted if there’s sufficient meeting duration to add more information.

  • If you select multiple summaries using all the available options in the AI Assistant panel, there may be some summary overlaps, and differences in summary durations.