Error: 'The domain of this user is not available for conversion'
When attempting to migrate consumer users into a new organization in Webex, users may encounter an error message stating, "The domain of this user is not available for conversion." This error prevents the successful migration of users into the new organization.
Try the following to resolve the issue:
- Delete the free consumer (free trial) account associated with the user's email address: Webex | Delete Your Free Account
Note: This is the most likely cause of the error. Try the above step, which should resolve the issue in most cases. If the problem persists, continue troubleshooting using the steps below.
- Add an admin that matches the user you are trying to migrate. See article: Claim Users to Your Organization (Convert Users)
- Claim the domain in the Cisco Webex Control Hub. See article: Manage Your Domains
This error typically occurs when there is a conflict with the user's email domain, often due to the presence of a free consumer (free trial) account associated with the user's email address. The error can also arise if the administrative steps for user migration still need to be completed.
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