This article is applicable only to customers who use the Classic platform integrated with Google Dialogflow ES.

Before you begin

Build a Dialogflow agent that provides automated responses.

From the customer view in, select Services.


On the Contact Center card, select Tenant Settings > Integrations > Features.


Click New > Virtual Agent > Virtual Agent.


In the Create a Dialogflow agent before proceeding page, choose one of the following options:

  • No, I don't have a preconfigured Dialogflow agent: Allows you to download the sample agent, and then import and customize your agent.
  • Yes, I have a preconfigured Dialogflow agent: Allows you to download the file with an Escalation intent (for escalating customer interactions to agents) and Handled intent (to end the Virtual Agent interaction with the customer and mark it as completed).

Click Next.


In the Provide a unique name page, provide the following information:

  • Provide a unique name for your Virtual Agent: Enter a unique name for the Virtual Agent. This is a mandatory field. Ensure that you use the same name for the Virtual Agent activity in the Flow Designer.
  • Provide Dialogflow Project ID: (Optional) Enter a customer Dialogflow Project ID with Contact Center AI-powered by Google Cloud subscription. If you have not specified a Project ID, then the Project ID from the service account in the JSON key is used.

    This field is applicable only to OEM customers. An OEM customer subscribes to a Contact Center AI-powered by Google Cloud (CCAI) account to use voice bots and chatbots from Cisco-created Google Cloud Projects (GCP).

  • Provide Dialogflow Region ID: (Optional) Enter a Region ID for rationalization and data residency within the same region. If you have not specified the Region ID, the default region is global. If you do not enter a valid Region ID, an API error can occur. For more information about the supported Region ID, see

Click Next.


In the Complete Dialogue Integration page, upload the authentication key by choosing the JSON file, click Validate, and then click Next.

You must download an authentication key as a JSON file from your Google Cloud Platform Service Account. For more information, see


(Optional) On the Virtual Agent Avatar page, upload an Avatar picture for your Virtual Agent, and click Next.


In the Done page, click Finish to create the Virtual Agent.

The Features page displays the newly created Virtual Agent card. The In Use label on the card shows the number of chat templates where you use this Virtual Agent. The label shows zero for new Virtual Agents.