Custom connector is required only if you need to authenticate the endpoint. You can disable the Use Authenticated Endpoint toggle button when you configure the HTTP Request activity in the Flow Designer.

You can add up to 10 custom connectors for your organization.


Log in to your customer organization at and navigate to Services > Contact Center > Tenant Settings > Integrations > Connectors.


On the Custom Connector card, click Set Up or Add More.


In the Name field, enter a unique name for the connector (for example, Contact Center Connector).


Choose the type of authentication from the Authentication Type drop-down list.

The available types are:

  • Basic Authentication (default)

  • OAuth 2.0


In the Resource Domain URL field, enter the URL of a domain name with an https:// prefix.


If the Authentication Type is OAuth 2.0,

  1. Choose one of the following grant types from the Grant Type drop-down list:

    • Client Credentials (default)

    • Password Grant

  2. In the Client ID field, enter the service client ID.

  3. In the Client Secret field, enter the client secret.

  4. In the Token URL field, enter the token URL of the authorization server.

  5. In the Scope field, enter the scope for the client credentials grant.


If the Authentication Type is Basic Authentication and the Grant Type is Password Grant,

  1. In the Username field, enter the username of the service account.

  2. In the Password field, enter the password of the service account.

  3. In the Validation URL field, enter the URL to validate the username and password.


Click Done to save the connector details and click Close.

What to do next

After you successfully save the connector, you can use it in either Flow Designer or Control Scripts.